
成堆的硬币越来越大,最高的是毕业帽.本网页所载资料由学生事务处提供 Financial Aid. 如果你通过这个网页找到一个奖学金的机会,你 希望追求,请密切遵循该奖学金的授予人的指示 to ensure the timely processing of your application.

任何奖学金机会或为你提供奖学金的服务 a fee should be avoided. 获取有关您可能遇到的“骗局”的信息 the Internet please visit the U.S. Department of Education web page concerning  Scholarship Scams.

所有奖学金、助学金、津贴和其他形式的援助都必须向学校报告 CSU Scholarship Coordinator.


Academic Scholarship Application

你正在寻找额外的资助来支付你的大学教育费用吗? Apply here for CSU scholarships. 奖学金不需要偿还,并且是基于奖学金的 包括学业成绩和需求在内的各种因素. Applications are 奖学金由你的专业所在的学院颁发.e., 商学院、文理学院等.). Apply here.

Chicago Star Scholar Application -芝加哥城市学院的转学生,获得芝加哥奖学金 明星奖学金获得者有资格获得每年1000美元的奖学金,为期两年.

Housing Scholarship Application - 2024-25学年住在宿舍楼的学生可以 apply to have the cost of their room covered. This scholarship does not include the cost of the meal plan. Apply here. The Housing Scholarship will be available soon.

Scholarships for Undocumented and DACA Students -访问科罗拉多州立大学学生事务处的网站,了解有关的信息 为无证和DACA学生提供奖学金机会.

伊利诺伊州立法黑人核心小组基金会奖学金 Click Here

The Community Services Book Grant Scholarship (CSBG) helps low-income Chicagoans finance higher education. Students enrolled in an Illinois 学院、大学或职业培训项目都有资格获得CSBG奖学金. 资金可用于学费、校服、学习相关费用和书本费. Individual scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000.

奖学金申请在每年春季的几个月开始,并颁发 for the following fall semester.

188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的早期儿童教育中提升你的职业生涯 Childhood Access Consortium for Equity program. Designed for working professionals, 该计划为那些追求专业教育执照的人提供全额资助 (二年级生)有灵活的课程选择,包括晚上,虚拟和混合 formats. 从事从出生到5岁儿童工作的符合条件的个人可以完成 在两年内获得学位,其中包括ESL和特殊教育等专业 the curriculum. 利用这个机会,把你的奉献变成一个 qualification. Click here to apply now or learn more.

我们很高兴地通知你,188bet金宝搏官网登录网址(CSU)是一个骄傲的4年制大学 伊利诺伊州大学入学咨询协会(IACAC)机构成员. 这种合作关系使我们的新转学生有机会进入 IACAC Transfer Scholarship scholarship. 我们一直在努力提供最好的资源和 奖学金,我们鼓励你今天就申请这个机会!

Watch here for upcoming application deadlines.

如果您对这项奖学金有任何问题、意见或顾虑,请 联系转学咨询委员会联合主席

Scholarship Opportunities -我们的奖学金机会页面提供了不断变化的资金列表 possibilities. 此页面不断更新新的奖学金机会 as we become aware of them.

Search the Web 也许今天寻找奖学金来源的最好机会是各种各样的 scholarship databases accessible through the Internet. Please visit our Search the Web page to begin your search.

2022 ELC Scholarship Application -行政领导委员会(ELC)是卓越的会员组织 致力于增加全球黑人高管在企业高管层的数量 boards and in global enterprises. ELC奖学金计划的使命是建立一个黑人企业的管道 支持黑人本科生的学术成就和发展 students. 奖学金颁发给学业优秀的学生, 领导能力,以及对社区服务的承诺. 申请人必须在2022年1月31日之前完成并提交所有申请要求 at 11:59pm EST.

flywire logo  Scholarships 2023 - 


A total of sixteen scholarships of $5,000 USD each will be awarded across the following themes:

Social Justice

Global Health

Global Citizenship

Environmental Sustainability

Who is eligible?

The scholarships are open to matriculating & currently enrolled UG & Graduate students worldwide. All majors are welcome to apply.

Application Deadline

Applications open May 1, 2023. The application deadline is Friday, June 2, 2023.

Questions? Want to Learn More?

Chicagoland Regional College Program (CRCP) - What if you could earn your degree debt-free? Through our partnership with the 芝加哥地区学院项目,188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的学生获得报酬 学费和杂费,以及教科书津贴,同时每周挣工资(每小时21美元) for part-time work at UPS (DACA friendly). Other benefits include a $300 monthly CRCP stipend and free public transportation to work. Learn more and apply at

CSU Tuition and Fee Waivers -有数量有限的豁免,可以支付学费和一些费用 通过学费减免计划提供给符合条件的学生. These awards are 对于攻读学位课程的学生来说,也是大学员工福利的一部分 package. 奖项的数量和金额每年根据发行而有所不同 伊利诺斯州拨付资金的比例,委员会核准的预算限额 of Trustees, and program need. Students and employees apply for these waivers each academic term based upon a variety of criteria. For more information please access the Tuition and Fee Waiver Handbook.

ISAC (Illinois Student Assistance Commission) -关于MTI(伊利诺伊州少数民族教师奖学金计划)的信息, (伊利诺伊州特殊教育教师学费减免)和其他ISAC(伊利诺伊州特殊教育教师学费减免) 学生援助委员会)奖学金详情请浏览ISAC网页.

Senior Citizens Tuition Waiver -你知道你可能有资格获得免学费吗? 


IMPORTANT: 请访问美国国税局网站,了解有关美国国税局的税务规定 奖学金、奖学金、助学金和学费减免.